It seems as though life at times runs a million miles an hour... but then don't we all think that??? It is seemingly even more so, with Kelly and I, given we have three small children with after-school activities and with me running our own business as she teaches.... but, mom and I 'tag team' things well though... we have what is called a 'battle rhythm' in the infantry. The morning is filled with bobbing and weaving, dressing and redressing kids, listening to all they have planned for the day, and of course the jo-jo bows... smh. When the wife and kids go out the door I turn to emails and the calendar. Then out to the shop or to a job site... and of course there is always that one thing I forgot the day before as the day is filled with working on orders and completing orders and then talking to new clients.
Today however, I forgot that I had soccer practice.... you see I also somehow each season get sucked into coaching. I won't lie though... I do secretly enjoy it. My approach may be slightly different then others... but at the end of each practice and each game, regardless of the outcome... I always ask if the boys had fun and follow up the questions, "What did we learn today?" and "How might we improve?"
None the less... I missed a call from Kelly. She always calls me to 'check in'... but who am I fooling... she knows sometimes I forget things. Well, today I was on the tractor and was wrapping up when it dawned on me.... Quickly, I shut her down and ran to the truck and closed the tail gate and away I went down the gravel driveway!!!!
On the way I called Kelly back, hands-free of course.... "No babe, I did not forget... I am on the way to the soccer field right now... meet you there." I was grinning... and thinking she will never know. She then so very kindly reminded me that I was to pick Cayden up first because it was haircut day!!! "Not a problem babe...." as I started to get nervous.
You see, I have an awesome wife. I ran into the haircut place... Cayden's hair had been cut and she was putting on his soccer gear and away we went.... but not till Kelly called me back and gave me the soccer team pictures, which I had forgotten the day before.
Cayden and I got there just in time... Out of the truck we ran and Cayden jumped the fence... mmmm... No idea where he gets that from. Soccer practice went great. We ran some new drills the kids had fun and they all reported learning something new. On the way home I called Kelly to coordinate the evening schedule. Tonight however she threw me a curve ball and asked me to pick up pizza. "Not a problem" So the boy and I called and ordered the pizza. We made to Marco's Pizza a little faster then planned so I went in and paid for it and then went back outside to wait.
Cayden was on his iPad in the truck and I thought it would be a great time to inventory the supplies I had loaded for tomorrow's job. As I dropped the tail gate... IT came flying out!!!!... then made a run for it!!! So there I was... chasing a chicken through a parking lot. There is a 'talent' one develops when they raise poultry... and I made quick work of it. As I was walking up back to the truck, chicken in hand while trying to be nonchalant... I heard my wife's voice.... Cayden had actually CALLED her and of course was providing her with a full report of what he had just witnessed... and what daddy had done.
Just then the Manager of Marco's came out, with my order in hand.... and it was evident that he and his staff had a chuckle of the shenanigans they had just witnessed and rightfully so. He handed me the pizzas and as I turned he stated, "Hey, I really like farm fresh eggs.... next time perhaps we might be able to trade and I know there are several of the guys inside who like fresh eggs as well."
The manager and I chatted for a few minutes proceeding the invitation to 'barter for goods' (of which I am a fan of) which allowed me to 'talk up' Rural Station.
As I got into the truck... I began to think and was amazed how this lil' chicken who had sto-awayed in the bed of my truck and was saved by Kelly from the clutches of a fox 2 days earlier, which resulted in her losing all of her tail feathers, could have opened a new line of customers?!?!
It is in these moments my friends.... allow life to slow down... smile, laugh, and ask your boy to take a picture of chicken enjoying a summer evening drive.